Nativity of Mary Parish has a proud and long history of quality liturgical celebration.
The overarching principles by which the parish celebrates the Church's liturgical Rites are grounded in the documents of Vatican Council II. The Liturgical Reform is a dynamic and ever changing work of the people. Article #10 of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium is ever in the minds of those who plan and create the liturgies of the Parish: "...the liturgy is the summit toward which the whole activity of the Church is directed". There are a variety of liturgical ministries open to parish members.
They are:
Liturgical Coordinators (Sacristans)
Ministers of Hospitality (Usher, Greeter)
Ministers of the Word (Lector)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministers at the Altar (Altar Servers)
Minister of Liturgical Music (Cantor, Choir, Instrumentalist)
Lectors are chosen from the worshiping community based upon their willingness and ability to Proclaim the Word of God. At each Sunday liturgy there are two Lectors.
Eucharistic Ministers are those chosen to minister the Body of Christ to the Assembly.
Ministers at the Altar assist the Presider in his ministry. This ministry is open to anyone in the Assembly, not just young people.
Ministers of Liturgical Music are plentiful at Nativity of Mary.
The Choir, sings from a repertoire of multi-part vocal music. Rehearsals are every Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30 in the Church. The Choir sings from September through May, until sometime in June depending on the liturgical calendar.
If you have any questions about the liturgies at Nativity of Mary, or wish to be a minister in any of the parish ministries, please call the Parish Liturgy office at 608-752-7861.
Those who are currently parish ministers may access the Ministry Scheduler Program in the upper left corner of this page.
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